I explore all things innovation and supply network digital transformation

I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s flatter and high tech world, including personality, sense of humor, wits, and, most importantly, the ability to learn and reinvent yourself continuously. Innovation and reinvention are even more crucial for businesses and supply chain organizations, as they confront disruptive forces coming from everywhere. Historically, we have had four waves of profound technological change with socioeconomic and cultural components that impacted the way we live, work, and relate to one another. Each wave thrust society forward, bringing new developments not only for production and delivery systems but also for economy and life in general. Each swell also brought in its wake profound challenges. We are in the midst of the latest wave - digital transformation. I believe leaders across all layers and segments of the economy must take stock and leverage innovation to impact businesses, organizations, and society positively, while also collaboratively creating sustainable solutions for the challenges. In this space, I share thoughts, news, and insights in the confluence of two crucial areas for modern life: the supply network enterprise and all forms of innovation. It excites me to engage in dialogue or problem-solving with like-minded people interested in exploring innovation ideas or joining in the creation of solutions and new insights, so feel free to connect with me. I have taken an experimental approach and have followed an exploratory and iterative process in designing this space, so consider it an evolving prototype.